1. Digital Banking: This is not only more convenient than walking into a physical branch it reduces the need for cheques, paper statements, and receipts, thereby reducing paper waste, deforestation for paper, and the

carbon footprint that will come from physical mailings or driving to the branch.

2. Energy Conservation: At Alert Group and its subsidiaries, all branch offices are fitted with motion sensor LED lights to conserve energy and reduce emissions. We believe in clean energy and have recently commenced investment in solar inverters for all our business offices, starting from the HQ that runs on solar for hours.

3. Sustainable Investments: Our Group CEO, Dr. Olarenwaju Kazeem and the entire management staff are big advocates of sustainable investments in the country.

4. Risk Assessment: We integrate environmental risk assessment into our lending practices to identify and manage potential risks associated with projects that could harm the environment. We make conscious efforts to offer loans and financing to projects that have a positive environmental impact.

5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Our corporate social responsibility arm has constantly come up with friendly initiatives.

6. Reducing Carbon Footprint: We try as much as possible to hold more webinars and virtual meetings instead of physical ones and have an efficient waste management and disposal system to minimize carbon emissions.

7. Transparency and Reporting: We have commenced the yearly sustainability reports to show our customers our efforts and progress towards reducing our environmental impact. Our operations are centered around our ESG framework.

8. Impact Finance: We have an immense commitment to positively impacting the lives of the borrowers, the environment, and the economy of Nigeria.

9. Renewable Energy: We emphasize the use of primary sources of energy i.e. renewable energy above fossil fuel as much as possible to enhance environmental impact.

10. Financial Inclusion: We prioritize lending to support women and youth to improve their socio-economic development in green banking initiatives.

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